[freepats] Creating sound banks

Roberto roberto at zenvoid.org
Sat Jul 6 03:14:03 PDT 2019

Let's try this. We have two different working areas to improve:

(1) Recording sessions. Still unresolved...

(2) Creating sound banks from raw recorded material. This one could be
offloaded to people willing to help, and I think that it may work, it
will free us from this part and we could dedicate more time to (1).

A space for raw materials will be created soon. For coordination, we
will use this mailing list and the Wiki. I already received one private
email for helping with sound bank creation (thanks!).

For better coordination and more agile workflow we need a few
guidelines, so everyone can create sound banks the same way, and
compatible with each other. I've started to write documentation for the
preferred way to create sound banks for FreePats:


The documentation should be expanded in the next few days, hopefully. It
is a recommendation, not mandatory, but it will help to save more time
when sound banks are all made the same way.

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